Sunday, 15 February 2009

Freezing Cold and Miserable

It was very cold indeed today but I needed to see what was going on down on the allotment and to start sowing the seeds for the plant sale.

I was expecting to see the propagator prepared and the heater on in the back of the large poly tunnel where we start off the tender seedlings. I was a bit disappointed to find that nothing had been done; however, in a way that was OK, I just set it all up myself and hope that no one goes in there and switches stuff off.

The only seeds I sowed today were the petunias; I set them in the heated propagator and now hope that they germinate. Petunias are notoriously difficult but in previous years I have been successful in getting them to the flowering stage. They require a lot of feeding otherwise they tend to sicken and die. I spent the rest of the time writing the labels for the other seeds.

I have set up an Excel spreadsheet so that we can keep track of what we are growing and so that we have proper records of what we sell too. I hope that everyone will co-operate and send me the information I need to maintain the records; we shall see.

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