Monday, 16 March 2009

Spring has Sprung

It was ever so hot on Sunday in the poly tunnel and there was so much to do!

The good news is, all of the seeds I sowed last week have germinated. The bad news is that they will all need pricking out, and although some seedlings were still a bit immature I decided that it would be a good idea to prick out some of the seedlings from the earlier sowings as there will be too much to do next week and it is Mother's day too. So aubergines and peppers have been potted into their final pots and placed in the heated greenhouse. If these prove to be a disaster I still have enough seedlings left over to do it again. Most of the herbs June and I sowed have come up too and will also need to be dealt with. I am hoping that there will be more people who will help out otherwise it is going to be an impossible task. June gave me some Cayenne chilli pepers this week so they have gone in and she bought some more herbs: marjoram, dill and sage; we should have a good variety now.

All the seeds I sowed in my own broken greenhouse last week have germinated so I will have to deal with these as well as the stuff I am doing for the plant sale. This week I sowed some basil seed for myself and Melanie gave me some allium seeds.

Lots of people were out this weekend as it was such a nice day and the whole allotment site is really looking good. We are still getting the lovely council compost this has been really wonderful and everyone is taking advantage of it. I meant to take some pictures this week but I didn't get round to it I will try to remember next week time permitting.

At home the garden is truly awful but at least the daffodils I put in the front garden haven't all been dug up by the local squirrels and the cat next door. It looks as if we will get a good display for the neighbours. I will take some pictures and post them once they are in flower.

One of our friends opens his garden up to the public as part of the Yellow book scheme, and he has asked me for some advice as to what to grow in his vegetable patch; this is a very small area in his garden. I think that people are interested in growing vegetables these days and don't necessarily have a lot of space in their gardens. It is a really excellent idea as it can demonstrate that it is possible to grow a variety of attractive vegetables and herbs in even the smallest of spaces. If he allows me to I will post some pictures of it here. We saw it last year just before the opening and it looked really good.

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