Monday, 18 May 2009

Plant Sale

The two pictures above show the tables laid out for the annual plant sale. We had a wonderfully successful plant sale today in spite of the dreadful weather. I woke up this morning and the sun was shining, by the time I arrived at the plot it had become overcast and as the doors opened at ten o'clock the heavens opened and it continued to pour down until about half eleven. By noon the sun was shining and the Plant Sale was over. Typical.

However we sold the great majority of the plants we raised and there are only a few left for the mini sale next week, when hopefully we will have sold the rest.

After the sale I went down to my own plot. My goal today was to erect an archway for my beans and to get my brassicas in the ground and netted over. Both of which were achieved but only one of which was photographed this week.

It is now Tuesday and I had an e-mail from Melanie last night to say that the protection I had put over the brassicas had collapsed and that she had repaired it as best she could. I am not really surprised that it didn't stand up to the strong wind blowing over the plot; my construction was a bit rickety and I had intended it as a temporary measure to keep the pigeons off until I could spend a bit more time on the project. It was the last thing I did on Sunday and I was pretty exhausted; by the time I left the plot it was about 9.15 and it was getting quite dark and I was cold and hungry.


  1. Great idea using the piping for the archway - you've inspired us.

  2. Thanks Stephen, It was a great success this year. I will definitely do it again. The important thing is to do it over a path. This saves space and makes it easier to harvest the crop.
