Saturday, 24 May 2008

Post Plant Sale Euphoria

Some time since my last post. Not surprising as I have been very busy indeed. the long awaited plant sale happened last Sunday. We had lots of lovely healthy plants to sell and the great majority were sold. The plants that I grew were quite successful; all the marigolds were sold. They were really lovely plants and all of them were in flower, so that the people could see what they were like. Petunias were less successful, they were not in flower. However, they will probably be sold over the next couple of weekends as they sell them from the allotment shop on Sunday morning.

The veg went well; all of the peppers went as did all of the cucumbers, courgettes and squash. We did have a lot of tomatoes left but then we did have rather a lot to start with. We didn't sell many cauliflowers but I think most people realise they are a bit of a challenge and are therefore afraid of failure. A sentiment I fully understand. I have only had success growing cauliflower on a single occasion, and I thought I was growing Brussels sprouts as the person who gave me the plants had said that that was what they were. I have not yet had the courage to grow them again.

I have just come across a wonderful website which I highly recommend. It is absolutely jam packed with useful information and has links to loads of other interesting sites.

Anyhow, my own plot although still a bit of a mess, is coming on. Onions are so far OK as are the spuds. one lot of parsnips appears to have germinated but another variety hasn't yet poked up above the ground.. maybe they are just a bit slower to germinate. I know it is all fresh seed so I don't expect the seed to fail. I am very careful about only sowing fresh parsnip seed as it is notoriously non-viable after the first year. Disappointingly the beans I put out last week have been scorched by the wind, they may recover but I will try to grow some more just in case they are too far gone.

The pictures this time are of the "marching mowers" and of Bev potting up seedlings in the polytunnel prior to the plant sale.

This is the Bank Holiday week-end so it is due to rain this Sunday and Monday, I managed to get out there today as the weather was fine, but I doubt if much will get done tomorrow if it rains. I won't be going anyway as our niece is getting married, and we will be busy elsewhere.

Happy gardening to all.

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